Teacher Starter Kit

£15.00 + VAT



Teacher Starter Kit

Teaching maths can be a difficult process, but the resources that Flexitable has can help you to better understand and explain maths skills. Our manipulatives, often used in schools across the UK, are useful for helping children with homework, learning extra skills, or for home tutoring, and offer an easy way to show, rather than tell, the basics of maths. Our Teacher Starter Kit contains flexible grids for help with multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and even for fractions, decimals and percentages. In addition to our manipulative math grids, our Teacher Starter Kit also includes booklets with plans for classroom activities, perfect for understanding Flexitables.

The pack contains one each of the following grids:

  • 10 x 10 Multiplication/Division
  • Addition/Subtraction
  • Fraction/Percentage/Decimal
  • PLUS a Lesson Booklet for each grid


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